Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well I have been busy building a section of the Artmaze, which I have found an interesting concept. Each artist picks a spot that has a number (usually 3) of set points where you must connect your piece to those of fellow artists, to create one really big maze. The whole thing goes across 4 sims and there is an amazing array of talent.

My video (no sound, not the greatest, but hey give me a break it is the first ever one I did)

In my section, I have the 'normal' pretty pictures gallery section, and then I have the you can bypass this, warning this can hit hard, section. The warning is there for a very good reason, I have seen how it can effect others. This time my exhibit has a physical and a mental path, and below is a bit of writing that goes with each and may give an idea of what might be within.


A single gene in a beautiful, complex double helix, is turned on instead of off.
A slip, a fall, a stupid dive into murky waters that did not at the time run deep.
A slam into a fellow player, or worse into a car driving home from the game.
An act of terror, or the flesh tearing results of being sent to yet another useless war.

Whether a fast impact or a disease slowly creeping, the outcome is still the same.
A body is no longer a vehical, it becomes a cage, holding tight, refusing to let go.


A quiet child, keeps to themselves, mature beyond their years, never a problem.
A teen grows into a man and suddenly has extra friends whispering in their ear.
Drugs, legal or not, caused side effects that lasted long after the chemicals left.
Unwanted attention or extreme disasters, cause a quiet retreat that never ends.

There does not need to be physical barriers to shut out the world.
The is no need for locks, wire, guards, to contain a person.

Fears, phobias, depression, effectively lock some people in.
Others follow in the footsteps of their elders, or simply have bad wiring.
The brain, resilient, adaptive, complex, yet oh so delicate.
Mapped out, yet still a mystery, experiments inconclusive.

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