Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Resume

Well the sim remodel has gone a little slow this time, there always seems to be other things that have to get done.  The latest is the Island Build at Dreams, and the upcoming SL9B (SL 9th birthday).
I decided to apply to help out at SL9B, and as part of the application, I had to basically show my resume.  It was interesting to do, I had not really thought I had much of a resume until I wrote it down.

Organised and run two multipath (unique concept when I did it) grid wide shop hunts.  With most stores having never been in a hunt before since I had invited them personally.  The second of the 2 hunts incorporated artist galleries to try and save some of the many falling to lack of finances (again a unique idea at the time)  These hunts consisted of 40+ shops, different to the ones you had in most other hunts, and the majority of those involved were happy to be part of future events.

Organised and run two art competion charity events with 100% of money raised going to the Red Cross for disaster relief.  The ArtFest events had 20+ artists with their art spread around an entire sim for people to come and look at and vote on.  As part of this, there was also concerts and art auctions.  The wonderful Attica found auction items each time, and was her general good hearted self. The artists went along with my odd ideas of where to build and place their artwork (with the exception of one different person at each event, and those people decided for themselves not to take part which was definately for the best).  Almost all involved wanted and want, to be part of things again if nothing else comflicts.  Quite a few of the atists built on site as was preferred, so the people would come back again and again to see the progress ad donate more money.  Relaxation spots and little fun things to do were also scattered about so people who spend time, bring their friends and return again and again to a welcoming place.

Hmm some fairly large events, Inception, Planing, Organising, Sucessful.  Made lots of friends doing them.  That's pretty good.

Recent times have seen the Sexy Sunday Speedbuilds held in the Adult sandbox, and being a volunteer helper and mentor at the sandbox.  There is also the helping of friends, waifs, and at risk folk who are part of the Survivors Of Suicide group.  (can't help it, I care, care, care).

Then in all the free time I build and try to put things together that I think are some kind of art (if only).

Whoohoo what a resume, didn't know I had one so good, just think what it would look like if I wrote it out in typical fancy resume speak....

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sim Remodeling

Well those popping over to the sim the ArtFests have been held on, have been getting a bit of a shock, as it is currently undergoing remodeling.  Gone are the mountains, the deep rivers, and the beachy areas.  Now there is rolling hills, and lots of art, apart from in the shop, the art around the place is not for sale, it is mostly my private collection that I have gathered over the years, plus some from friends collections as well.
Come have a look, and if you like what you see, look at the creator and track them down to see nore.