Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ArtFest pictures

Well ArtFest II is looking good, over a dozen artists have moved in and there is still room for plenty more.  I have finally gotten around to uploading (with prodding from some people), pictures from the original ArtFest.  So now you can see what the last was like and how it compares.
Pictures of first ArtFest

Monday, November 14, 2011

It has begun

Well have had the VIP night at Feast and the Pride March in rl, so now it is shows and fun all the way.Feast runs until the 27th of November, and we are doing the same in sl, although we will be tapering it off in the second week when ArtFest starts up.
Artfest will start on the 19th of November and run until the 19th of December.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Art at Feast

Below is the first 15 pages of the book I have made of the artwork I did for Feast 2011 (November 12 to 27).  The artwork in the exhibition and in the book, started out in sl, and were expanded upon.  Here is the link to the exhibition in the real world at Feast , my work is part of the 'Coming together' exhibit.

My friend and I usually celebrate Feast in sl, and this year we are going to feature arts even more as we are launching straight into ArtFest II from this event.  So come on in, have some fun, and admire what the wonderful artists can do for chariety.

My book