So I set about trying to surprise my friend, not easy since most of the stuff I would need to outfit was stuff she made, and I had a VERY short time line to work with. Well I didn't manage to keep it secret, but I did manage to get off and running in a couple of days, complete with getting things listed in the Destination Guide.
Plenty of people have zapped in and out,
bringing their friends, and walked all about.
They've jumped on some rides, and juggled some balls,
dunked a mermaid after answering her calls,
and after watching the fireworks flash and bang,
they decide for the next day, to bring the rest of their gang.
It has been fun, much like ArtFest it will be a shame to see it go, but all things change and the next project is already under way. For a little while though I have the added memories created by my friend NicoleX, who created a wonderful video piece: